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Nuffield Scholarship for YAS President

by Andrew Richardson


Building and being active in the Young Aquaculture Society has been an engaging and rewarding challenge – and I have loved every second of it. Striving to provide our members with valuable events and opportunities, has likewise opened the door to some opportunities for me!

This summer, I applied for a Nuffield Farming Scholarship – with a project provisionally called “Young Professional Networks: Comparing Agriculture to Aquaculture, with a view to support growth”. This project, built off my experience with YAS, will enable me to travel the world meeting and engaging with young professionals from many walks of life. I am so excited to get started.

So, what is the Nuffield Farming Scholarship?

The Nuffield Farming Scholarship is an opportunity to complete a researched paper with a mandatory 2 months travel abroad, and it comes with a £8500 bursary to support subsistence and travel. Scholars are given 2 years to complete this journey!

Whilst it is not well known (yet) in the aquaculture space, this scholarship is prestigious in the agriculture ecosystem, with a large international network of successful alumni. It will be interesting to be apart of a growing wave of aquaculture representation within that accomplished peer group.

I am hopeful that, if you are just hearing about the Nuffield Farming Scholarship now and are interested I hope you will consider applying! If you do want to apply and would like support from me based on my experience with the process, please reach out to me on LinkedIn (Andrew Richardson) and I will do what I can to help make your Nuffield journey a success.

Good Luck!

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